Sunday, September 26, 2010

Having fun

Way to sick to do anything but it is theholidays


I chose this them because I like it out doors and I enjoy it hope you do to


Wow I can't wait to go to my nanas for the holidays and I  am going on wednesday and she always spoils me and I  will have fun i love them so,  anyway about the spring it o it will be fun and I can't wait to win better get practicing because H.L.W will take it out this year and if it is a big hit try next year. Almost forgot happy birthday to my little sister portia-jane she will be turning 7,  have fun lil sis.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coming Events

On october the 30th there is a dance compition and my mum is the host. Me and my crew have entered we are H.L.W and that stands for hearty little wons and i think we are going to win. I can't wait it will be fun but it is going to be fair there are 3 judges and 1 is from Otorohanga and Te kuiti the last is from here his name is dale williams.